Commentary: Tackling exclusivism crucial in fight against terror threat
The spectre of a terror attack in Singapore has loomed large in recent months. Political…
June 19, 20176 minPast Events
The Future of Consumer Choice & Responsibility
US President Donald Trump's move to withdraw America from the Paris Agreement has once again…
June 14, 20176 minCommentaries
Commentary: It’s clear what ASEAN’s priority should be for the next 50 years – it’s people
The region must remember that it is a broad community made up of real people,…
May 10, 20177 minPast Events
Challenges for a Smart Nation: Security, Artificial Intelligence, Risks
Singapore has made being a Smart Nation a top priority. But what does that mean…
May 4, 20175 minCommentaries
Commentary: The evolution of NS and its relevance to Singapore
By Nicholas Fang Today marks the 50th anniversary of the day National Service (NS) was…
March 14, 20175 minInsights
Technology and the Future of Jobs
Event Summary How can workers keep pace with a rapidly-changing job market? As part of…
March 13, 20177 minCommentaries
Commentary: Grooming S’poreans to be global citizens who can thrive anywhere
By Nicholas Fang and Aaron Choo At the start of his Budget speech, Finance Minister…
February 27, 20175 minMedia Coverage
Dark mood overshadows Singapore’s economic view
SIIA Executive Director Nicholas Fang was quoted in the Nikkei Asian Review in an article…
February 23, 20172 minMedia Coverage
SIIA Executive Director Nicholas Fang on We Are Majulah’s ‘The Good Word Project’
SIIA Executive Director Nicholas Fang was featured in a video for The Good Word Project,…
January 5, 20173 minInsights
Towards a Regional Nuclear Energy Safety Regime in Southeast Asia
SIIA Executive Director Nicholas Fang wrote a chapter for a new book, "Mapping State and…
December 2, 20164 minCommentaries
Diesel incentives for passenger cars must go
We thank Mr Danny Lim and Mr Paul Chan for their responses (“Diesel moves must…
October 21, 20162 minCommentaries
Driving a future without diesel
Government leaders from more than 60 countries have turned up the heat to combat climate…
October 12, 20166 min