On the South China Sea and other contentious issues, ASEAN must speak with one voice
Much controversy has followed the recent ASEAN-China meeting in Kunming, where an Association of Southeast…
June 29, 20167 minCommentaries
In turning to S-E Asia, Taiwan has to keep China in mind
Taiwan’s new President, Ms Tsai Ing-wen, has her sights set on South-east Asia and plans…
June 2, 20166 minMedia Coverage
Obama: Upholding Human Rights Does Not Threaten Vietnamese Society
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay and Dr. Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Director of the Institute of Security and…
May 24, 20162 minCommentaries
How Indonesia’s neighbours can help it fight the haze
Indonesia is making every effort to ensure that the terrible fires and haze suffered last…
May 6, 20167 minCommentaries
Singapore’s next version of regionalisation
March was a month of many milestones. The nation marked the first anniversary of the…
April 28, 20165 minCommentaries
Questions and realities for a new Myanmar
Myanmar changed more than its government last week. For the first time in more than…
April 8, 20167 minCommentaries
To prevent haze, financial players, smallholders have outsized role to play
Signs warn that haze may soon return to the skies of South-east Asia. Fires have…
April 4, 20166 minMedia Coverage
Asia watches rise of Donald Trump with trepidation
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay was quoted in a Straits Times feature by Nirmal Ghosh, the…
March 20, 20162 minCommentaries
Fighting of fires must continue under blue skies
Blue skies breed amnesia. With the clear skies, many may now struggle to recall the…
March 10, 20165 minMedia Coverage
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay quoted on US-ASEAN Summit
Obama Staking Asia Policy On ASEAN Sunnylands Summit "Diplomatically, symbolically, this is putting ASEAN—10 medium-size…
February 14, 20162 minMedia Coverage
Could ASEAN form a common identity?
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay was quoted in a Channel NewsAsia feature on ASEAN's vision of…
February 14, 20161 minMedia Coverage
ASEAN-US Summit Viewed as More Symbolic Than Substantive
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay and SIIA Fellow Lim Chin Leng were quoted by Voice of…
February 10, 20162 min