Media Coverage
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay on “US Next President: An ASEAN Perspective” (CNA Insight)
Should countries in ASEAN rely on Donald Trump to bring about economic prosperity and regional…
July 28, 20162 minInsightsPast Events
Superpower Competition: Economic Stability, Security and Russia’s Ambitions
Earlier this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted his ASEAN counterparts at a summit in…
July 20, 20164 minCommentaries
Steer Asean-China talks towards quiet diplomacy, flexibility
A legal judgment to be released on July 12 by the Permanent Court of Arbitration…
July 7, 20166 minPast Events
Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization
“Where does the word connectography come from? It is the intersection of connectivity and geography,”…
June 24, 20166 minInsightsMultimedia
3-on-3 with Steve Okun: TPP will keep America engaged in Asia
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has proven to be a flashpoint in the US Presidential race,…
June 10, 20165 minInsightsMultimedia
3-on-3 with Denis Hew: TPP will have an positive impact on Asia
The United States and China both have initiatives to expand their economic reach in Asia…
June 9, 20163 minMedia Coverage
Obama: Upholding Human Rights Does Not Threaten Vietnamese Society
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay and Dr. Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Director of the Institute of Security and…
May 24, 20162 minPast Events
The Future of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) – The Way Forward
Date/ Time: 26 Apr 2016, 5.30 - 7.00pm Venue: Singapore Institute of International Affairs, 60A Orchard…
April 26, 20162 minCommentaries
ASEAN has role to play in global nuclear security environment
The fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) concluded in Washington, DC earlier this month.…
April 14, 20165 minMedia Coverage
Asia watches rise of Donald Trump with trepidation
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay was quoted in a Straits Times feature by Nirmal Ghosh, the…
March 20, 20162 minMedia Coverage
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay quoted on US-ASEAN Summit
Obama Staking Asia Policy On ASEAN Sunnylands Summit "Diplomatically, symbolically, this is putting ASEAN—10 medium-size…
February 14, 20162 minMedia Coverage
ASEAN-US Summit Viewed as More Symbolic Than Substantive
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay and SIIA Fellow Lim Chin Leng were quoted by Voice of…
February 10, 20162 min