Past Events
9th ASEAN and Asia Forum
The drivers of growth in Asia are evolving. To stay ahead of the curve, ASEAN…
August 22, 20162 minCommentaries
National Service’s crucial role in fight against terror
The recent spate of terror-related incidents around the world has created an atmosphere of alarm…
August 10, 20166 minMedia Coverage
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay quoted in The Straits Times on PM Lee’s US visit
As an advertisement for the strength of US-Singapore ties, the past few days are perhaps…
August 5, 20161 minMedia Coverage
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay comments on US State Dinner for PM Lee on Singapore Tonight
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was in the United States this week, in a visit…
August 4, 20165 minMedia Coverage
Former President and SIIA Honorary Member SR Nathan in critical condition after stroke
We are saddened to hear of our former president and SIIA honorary member SR Nathan's…
July 31, 20161 minInsights
Green Consumerism: Making every dollar count for the Environment
From the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) to the recent UN…
July 8, 20164 minCommentaries
Fighting terrorism cannot be the responsibility of the Government alone
The arrest of eight Bangladeshis in Singapore last month for plotting terror attacks in their…
June 7, 20165 minCommentaries
How Indonesia’s neighbours can help it fight the haze
Indonesia is making every effort to ensure that the terrible fires and haze suffered last…
May 6, 20167 minCommentaries
Singapore’s next version of regionalisation
March was a month of many milestones. The nation marked the first anniversary of the…
April 28, 20165 minReports and Conference Highlights
Policy Brief: Southeast Asia’s Burning Issue: From the 2015 Haze Crisis to a More Robust System
Date :15 Apr 2016 The 2015 haze crisis will be remembered as one of…
April 15, 20162 minCommentaries
To prevent haze, financial players, smallholders have outsized role to play
Signs warn that haze may soon return to the skies of South-east Asia. Fires have…
April 4, 20166 minCommentaries
Fighting of fires must continue under blue skies
Blue skies breed amnesia. With the clear skies, many may now struggle to recall the…
March 10, 20165 min