Steer Asean-China talks towards quiet diplomacy, flexibility
A legal judgment to be released on July 12 by the Permanent Court of Arbitration…
July 7, 20166 minCommentaries
On the South China Sea and other contentious issues, ASEAN must speak with one voice
Much controversy has followed the recent ASEAN-China meeting in Kunming, where an Association of Southeast…
June 29, 20167 minMedia Coverage
ASEAN-US Summit Viewed as More Symbolic Than Substantive
SIIA Chairman Simon Tay and SIIA Fellow Lim Chin Leng were quoted by Voice of…
February 10, 20162 minCommentaries
Keeping ASEAN united: What the US can and cannot do
ASEAN leaders will soon converge in the United States for a Summit with President Barack…
February 4, 20167 minCommentaries
Global, regional order under pressure, and changing
The decision by the United States Federal Reserve to raise interest rates is newsworthy, and…
December 30, 20156 minMedia Coverage
US ambassador: Seeing positive progress in ASEAN
CNBC interviewed US Ambassador to ASEAN Nina Hachigian on the sidelines of the 8th ASEAN…
October 1, 20155 minInsights
Around the Web: Islands in the South China Sea
China has intensified construction on artificial islands in the South China Sea in recent months.…
May 8, 20154 minInsights
China’s moves and Asia’s responses
Earlier this month, the leader of Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party, Nguyen Phu Trong, made an…
April 23, 20156 minCommentaries
Can ASEAN maintain central role in the region?
At the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Kuala Lumpur starting this Friday,…
April 22, 20156 minMedia Coverage
Getting too close to China isn’t smart, says Tay
COUNTRIES IN Asean, including Thailand, should not seek to choose between the majors powers or…
September 1, 20143 minInsights
China removes oil rig, so what’s next?
China has towed away its oil rig from disputed waters in the South China Sea…
July 22, 20143 minInsights
Human rights and security in ASEAN: Fallen by the wayside?
With its 2015 deadline approaching, just how much ground has been covered towards building an…
June 19, 20143 min