Reports and Conference Highlights
Policy Brief: Southeast Asia’s Burning Issue: From the 2015 Haze Crisis to a More Robust System
Date :15 Apr 2016 The 2015 haze crisis will be remembered as one of…
April 15, 20162 minCommentaries
To prevent haze, financial players, smallholders have outsized role to play
Signs warn that haze may soon return to the skies of South-east Asia. Fires have…
April 4, 20166 minCommentaries
Fighting of fires must continue under blue skies
Blue skies breed amnesia. With the clear skies, many may now struggle to recall the…
March 10, 20165 minCommentaries
How ASEAN should navigate a tricky 2016
Many turbulent events in 2015 were symptoms of a world lacking in optimism and growth,…
January 7, 20166 minCommentaries
Palm Oil: The Good, the Bad and the Coy
A recent call in France to boycott Nutella had many Italians going nuts. “We should…
November 27, 201510 minCommentaries
Mobilizing Mass Efforts to Fight the Haze in Southeast Asia
The recent haze crisis has set a few new records in the region. Given the…
November 27, 201511 minMedia Coverage
Media – Fighting the Haze: Insights from Indonesia’s worst-hit provinces
The 2015 haze crisis has affected countries across the region. But the ones who have…
November 24, 20152 minCommentaries
To stop the haze, take aim at land policies
When Mr Prayoto was born in Riau in 1980, oil palms occupied less than 10,000ha…
November 20, 20156 minCommentaries
Putting the brakes on haze financing
In all the finger-pointing over the transboundary haze, some banks in Singapore have come under…
October 30, 20157 minCommentaries
Getting firms to take responsibility for the haze
It remains essential to work with the Indonesian government to address the haze. However, while…
October 20, 20156 minMedia Coverage
Media Coverage – Haze: Know it. Stop it.
The Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA) held our Haze: Know it. Stop it. Exhibition…
October 19, 20152 minCommentaries
Seeing Indonesia through the haze
There are reasons to be frustrated and angry about the haze pollution, caused by fires…
October 9, 20156 min